Food Security and Livelihoods

Food security and Livelihood

In Pakistan, recurrent natural and manmade crisis has been a reason for sharp decline in food security across the country. The 2010 floods exacerbated the situation; percentage of households with poor food consumption increased from 10% to 45% in Punjab and from 13% to 76% in Sindh. (WHO)

Since the 1996 World Food Summit, different countries of the world have attached greater importance to food production at home and accumulated rich experience in preserving food security. Despite of this, the problem of food insecurity continues to exist. Almost 20 to 25% of the total population of the developing countries is chronically underfed and about one third of the world’s children are undernourished.

Through food security and sustainable livelihood programme, CHC supports improved food security, development of market opportunities and income generation. CHC wants to secure the rights of people living in poverty through food and income insecurity and eradication of poverty through active participation of women to reduce gender inequality and sustainable development.

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